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Skip Goes Vegan for Coronavirus Relief

Follow my vegan journey and cycle to Paris in aid of NHS Charities Together

Donate to my campaign and help raise money for the heroes on the front line of the NHS

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My Mission

In these difficult times it’s crucial we channel our energies in a positive way. With this in mind for the month of May, in aid of Association of NHS Charities, I have decided to go vegan and cycle the equivalent of Whitgift to the Eiffel Tower (roughly a 16Km daily cycle). I'm doing this not only to raise money but also to boost spirits. Every donation will help and is thoroughly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your contributions.

The Association of NHS Charities: Help the NHS do more. NHS Charities Together supports and champions the work of the NHS. They give 1 million pounds every day to the NHS helping to improve patient care and experience; fund major capital projects. They also support pioneering research and medical equipment at our hospitals, helping patients access the best possible care when they need it most. They also play a key role in mobilising volunteers to support NHS staff. They build an important link between our hospitals and communities.

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Who Are We Supporting

Hospitals are struggling to cope with the rise in the number of patients left seriously ill with Covid-19, which has led to operating theatres being turned into makeshift intensive care units. 

Individuals are also struggling during the pandemic and I hope my campaign will help brighten the spirits for those that are struggling.


Supporting the NHS

NHS staff have a lack of PPE (personal protective equipment) and all money raised will help ensure that they can keep supplies high and continue to put up a strong fight against the Coronavirus. Many of us will know a patient or NHS worker dealing with COVID-19 daily. Each one has a different story and I know by raising money for these heroes it shows our solidarity and gratitude for all their efforts.

Each other 

By following my crazy vegan journey, and tracking my cycle across the channel to Paris I hope to provide a distraction for those struggling in the unprecedented times facing us all. Furthermore, I hope it will bring people and the school community closer during this difficult period of isolation.

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“Be the change you want to see”

Mahatma Gandhi

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Contact Me

Please donate to my campaign using the following link:

Any questions about my mission or the work of NHS Charities Together I’m here to help.

Thanks for submitting!

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